Vice President – Finance/Treasurer

Don Hoffman is a native of Los Angeles. Don came to Phoenix in 1985. With a background in accounting and management, he became an entrepreneur and started or acquired several businesses over the following 25 years. In 2001 Don began giving back to the community by serving on the boards of several non-profit organizations. In 2007 Don met Joyce Glass and they have been together ever since. Don and Joyce learned about Nefesh Soul in 2013, and are happy to be able to serve the congregation.

Jim Hoffman is a retired aerospace engineer and program manager and has lived in the Phoenix area since 1980. He currently serves as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) in the foster care world. He has many hobbies and interests including model aviation, gardening, fishing, travel, old radios, finance and tennis. Jim is happily married to Sharon Hoffman and between the two of them have three children, five grandchildren and a dog.
Caring Committee Chair

Sharon Hoffman is a native of Pennsylvania who moved to Arizona in 1983 as a single parent. She married Jim in 1999 and together, they have a wonderful blended family which includes three children, five grandchildren, and one dog. Professionally, Sharon worked in the electronics field as an In-Circuit Test Engineer and has been retired since 2011. In her retirement, she keeps busy by volunteering with Lost Our Home Pet Rescue, the Read to Succeed program run by Chandler library, and a literacy volunteer with Experience Corps. Hobbies include reading, travel, knitting, cooking and baking.

Gregg Goodsell is a charter member of Congregation NefeshSoul, and has proudly served as a member on the congregation’s inaugural Board of Trustees. In his initial service to the congregation, Gregg served as Treasurer. He has previously served as VP of Finance/Treasurer and Temple President for another Phoenix congregation.
Gregg and his wife Amy have been Phoenix residents since 1986. Amy is an RN with Banner Health. Amy & Gregg have two children. Their daughter is a biomedical anthropologist with United Healthcare in Phoenix, and their son is an active-duty naval flight officer. Kevin completed the Navy’s Top Gun program in 2019, and has served aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan while stationed in Japan for 3 years. Kevin and his wife Ginger have two children.
Gregg has recently retired after owning his own tax preparation firm for 34 years. He has also been an income tax seminar speaker for many years. Gregg and Amy are happy to be spending time with their children and their two grandsons, as well as enjoying time in Flagstaff.