Congregation NefeshSoul is a kahal (community) where all are welcomed; where worship is joyous; where the values of social justice prevail; where everyone’s voice is important; and where individualism and community merge seamlessly in a spirit of kavod (respect), chesed (kindness), and ahavah (affection).
Congregation NefeshSoul membership is a way for us to build community. Membership is also a way for us to determine who we serve. There are no fixed membership dues, but we ask members to contribute what they can throughout the year. We ask everyone who attends our High Holy Day services to make an additional generous donation.
Congregation NefeshSoul…
1. says something vital about who you are and what you believe.
2. helps to ensure that Judaism will be here for your children, grandchildren, and generations to come.
3. is where we Jews go to celebrate our holidays and lifecycle events.
4. supports you when you experience loss or tragedy.
5. offers you opportunities to make friends and feel connected in a meaningful way.
6. honors those on whose shoulders you stand.
7. welcomes you regardless of your Jewish knowledge or ritual practice.
8. is your Jewish home.
Congregation NefeshSoul Membership Profile Click to fill out the membership profile form and let us welcome YOU to our community! We are 62 member families strong and growing!
Together, we are creating a unique tree of life ~ Congregation NefeshSoul.
Levels of Annual Giving
- Orchard: $5,000 and above
- Crown: $2,000 to $4,999
- Trunk: $1,000 to $1,999
- Roots: $500 to $999
- Flower: $300 to $499
Any amount is appreciated. We cannot do it without YOU.
Your donation can pay tribute to a loved one’s memory or it can honor someone for a special occasion. A card acknowledging your donation will be mailed to the honoree or to his/her family.
Tax donation letters are available at the end of each calendar year.
Please donate by check by printing out and sending our Mail-in Donation Form to NefeshSoul, PO Box 51591, Phoenix, AZ 85076. Or you can donate through Paypal by clicking the donate button below.