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Shabbat Services ~ קבלת שבת


Every single word is a whole world. When a person stands up to pray and recites the words of the prayers, he/she is gathering beautiful flowers and blossoms, one by one, until they make a bunch. Then he/she picks more, one by one, until they make another bunch, and he puts them together. So he/she goes on, picking and gathering more and more lovely bouquets.  ~Nachman of Bratzlav

Shabbat services at NefeshSoul synagogue are spiritual, musical, and inspiring. Join our community as we leave the week behind and enter into the sacred space and time that is Shabbat. We invite you to take an active role, or to sit back and just absorb the gentle rhythms of the Jewish Sabbath experience.

Shabbat Services may include a Torah service and d’var Torah. An Oneg Shabbat follows our services.

Monthly Evening Services are on the 1st Fridays at 6:15pm in our sanctuary.

Location: Valley Unitarian Universalist Campus, 6400 W Del Rio St Chandler, AZ 85226, in the main sanctuary (the large building on the east side of the parking lot)

We are planning to stream this service to our YouTube page; details are being worked out.
The ZOOM link will be published here soon

Monthly Saturday morning Shabbat Services at Leisure World  908 S. Power Rd, Mesa, AZ  85206.   Check newsletter for Date and Time.
