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Sign up for our weekly NefeshSoul newsletter by email to stay up on the week’s events, locations, and reading assignment. Some of our current ongoing programs:

  • Responsa ~ Meets monthly ~ lively discussion on controversial issues in Jewish law and practice.
  • Great Thoughts ~ Meets 1st Sat of each month at 9:00am in the sanctuary ~ 4 session (Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 7, Apr 4) discussion of Sapiens begins in January.  Sapiens integrates history and science to challenge everything we thought we knew about being human: our thoughts, our actions, our heritage…and our future.
  • Book Club ~ Meets 2nd Sat of each month at 9:00 AM to discuss a novel or memoir with a Jewish slant.

We want to provide NefeshSoul adult classes that interest you. What would you attend? Let us know!